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How to judge the result of a chip?

Time:2020-03-04 Views:486
Judging from the image, it mainly depends on whether there are scratches, whether there are missing images, whether the image is clear, whether the background is too high, whether the dots are regular, whether the size is uniform, whether there are melting points, tailing and other phenomena, how uniform the image is, whether there are unclear edges, positive and negative internal references and so on. From the data: (1) whether the detection rate is abnormal; (2) how repetitive (correlation coefficient); (3) coefficient of variation (CV value): (4) degree of coincidence with qPCR trend: (5) degree of repetition of different genes in technical repetition, etc. Supplement: Whether there are scratches or whether there are missing images, each manufacturer has different definitions. Because, like all industrial products, chips will inevitably produce defects in the manufacturing process. In order to avoid the influence on the hybrid data, the data chip has been designed with the data redundancy, small and product number. The loss of data points will not affect the chip data, for example, the product of defective areas that Affymetrix chip can tolerate is no more than 2.5% of the chip area.